Lazy River Forest Therapy
Nature and Forest Therapy is the practice of intentionally spending time in nature for your overall health and well-being. A Forest Therapy Walk is a slow stroll inviting you to reconnect with nature and yourself through all of your senses.

About Lazy River Forest Therapy
Lazy River Forest Therapy is located along the Grasse River on the grounds of Lazy River Playground and Retreat Center in Hermon, NY. Sarah is an ANFT Certified Forest Therapy Guide.
The Association of Forest and Nature Therapy way of Forest Therapy is Relational Forest Therapy meaning that while receiving the benefits of exposure to the natural environment a guided ANFT Forest Therapy walk works to mend relationships with yourself, with communities, with the sense of time and with the More Than Human World (all the beings of the world: animals, trees, water, plants etc.)

Our Services

Public Forest Therapy Walk
On this public Forest Therapy Walk I invite you to re-connect with nature through all of your senses to help you feel more relaxed, less anxious and give your immune system a boost.

Reiki is a gentle form of energy healing which helps to clear and balance your energy field promoting relaxation, stress and anxiety reduction as well as, boosting the immune system.

Forest Therapy and Reiki
Re-Connect with nature during any season through all of your senses to help you feel more relaxed, less anxious and give your immune system a boost. Your time in the forest will be follow by a Reiki session to help clear and balance your energy in a wonderfully complimentary way to your time in the woods.

Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual Counseling is a time for people to come and talk about their spiritual journeys and the challenges along the way. Many clients find Spiritual Counseling helpful to get them back on track and clear their heads in order to help them make decisions in alignment with their greater life purpose.

Solo Nature Retreat
Are you looking to escape the daily stresses of life and lose yourself in the magic of the natural world? Connecting with the forest and the water helps to recharge your spirit and clear your energy field.
The Solo Nature Retreat includes your own cabin, a guided trail walk and a continental breakfast. You will have access to the waterfront so feel free to bring your bathing suit, kayak or paddle board. Available May-Oct.

Solo Forest Healing Retreat
Immerse yourself in healing. Enjoy a 1 hour Reiki session and then let the healing energy of the forest wash over you with a guided forest bathing experience during your stay.
The Forest Healing Retreat includes your own cabin, a Reiki session, a guided forest bathing experience, a solo sit spot location for contemplation, and a continental breakfast. You will have access to the waterfront so feel free to bring your bathing suit, kayak or paddle board. Available May-Oct.
Public Walk Dates

Public walks are open to the community. There is limited space so reserve your spot. You can schedule byclicking the button below or calling 860-488-1895.
Why Forest Therapy?
Re-Connect With Nature
Forest Therapy draws on nature’s ability to calm us down and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
Boost Immune Function
One of the ways that trees protect themselves is by giving off chemicals called phytoncides. When humans breathe in or absorb these phytoncides through their skin it signals the body to produce NK cells. This type of white blood cell detects cancerous or infected cell before other white blood cells have been activated.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Time in nature and taking in the phytoncides released from trees decreases the production of stress hormones and has a calming effect on the human body.
Focus and Creativity
There are many studies that suggest that time in nature has positive effects on attention, cognitive performance, mood and creativity.
Into the Forest I go to Lose my Mind and Find My Soul
~John Muir
Let’s Go For a Walk!
(860) 488-1895